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Search results for pi,56 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,56
Translated headword: ancient, old, original
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The orators used the [word]
palaion of money from a debt still owing. So
Lysias in the [speech]
In reply to Alkibios: "and yet, if he has repaid to Ktesikles the original 50, as this man claims".[1]
Greek Original:*palaio/n: oi( r(h/tores e)xrh/santo tw=| palaio\n e)pi\ a)rguri/ou e)k danei/smatos o)feilome/nou. ou(/tws *lusi/as e)n tw=| pro\s *)alki/bion: kai/toi, ei) a)podedw/kei tw=| *kthsiklei= ta\s n# palaia/s, w(/sper ou(=to/s fhsi.
Lysias fr.13 Carey OCT (6 Thalheim 13 Sauppe). The name of the litigant is the same here as is given in the equivalent entry in
Lexicon (pi46 Theodoridis); there is no need to emend it to Archibios (de Valois) or Alkibiades (Fabricius, Westermann).
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 29 December 2003@09:31:11.
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