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Search results for pi,544 in Adler number:
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Headword: *parembalo/ntwn
Adler number: pi,544
Translated headword: having thrown in alongside, having interposed
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning they] having encircled.[1]
Greek Original:
*parembalo/ntwn: kuklwsa/ntwn.
The headword is the aorist active participle, masculine (and neuter) genitive plural, of the verb paremba/llw, "I put/throw in beside"; see generally LSJ s.v., and cf. pi 543. It must be quoted from somewhere, and Theodoridis (below) suggests Theodoret -- citing Aquila and Symmachus -- on Psalm 52.6 LXX (PG 80.1261c).
[1] The glossing participle is the same form, but comes from the verb kuklo/w, "I encircle"; see LSJ s.v. and pi 1305 gloss. The headword is identically glossed in the Synagoge, Lexica Segueriana 332.14, and Photius, Lexicon pi378 Theodoridis.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 1 February 2009@00:03:16.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, keyword, status) on 1 February 2009@01:15:32.
David Whitehead (tweaks) on 1 February 2009@04:23:26.
David Whitehead on 31 August 2011@05:52:28.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note; more keywords) on 15 September 2013@05:42:57.
David Whitehead (codings) on 22 May 2016@05:17:58.


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