[Meaning he/she/it] was getting ready [items] from a collection. [sc. The term comes] from
kattu/mata. kattu/mata is the word for small strips, those that have been thrown upon the dung-heap. He is saying, then, that we were getting a mattress ready from many small things.
Aristophanes in
Plutus [writes]: "each of us was stitching together a mattress."
*parekattu/eto: e)k sullogh=s hu)tre/pizen. a)po\ tw=n kattuma/twn. kattu/mata de\ le/gontai oi( mikroi\ i(ma/ntes, oi( e)rrimme/noi e)pi\ th=s ko/prou. le/gei ou)=n e)k mikrw=n kai\ pollw=n th\n stiba/da hu)trepi/zomen. *)aristofa/nhs *plou/tw|: h(mw=n d' e(/kastos stiba/da parekattu/eto.
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