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Search results for pi,51 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,51
Translated headword: palatines
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A kind of loaves, which Constantine the Great donated to the people, during his time as consul -- having named them so, because they were supplied out of the palace. And he supplemented them with meat and wine and olive-oil. The city benefited from them until recently, [still] bearing the marks of what he left behind.
Greek Original:*palati=noi: ei)=dos a)/rtwn, ou(\s e)filotimh/sato tw=| dh/mw| *kwnstanti=nos o( me/gas, kaq' o(\n u(pa/teue xro/non, ou(/tws o)noma/sas au)tou/s, oi(=a e)k tou= palati/ou xorhgoume/nous. prose/qhke de\ tou/tois kai\ kre/a kai\ oi)=non kai\ e)/laion: w(=n me/xri tino\s h( po/lis a)ph/lause, tw=n u(p' au)tou= r(ife/ntwn fe/rousa ta\ gnwri/smata.
See also:
Zosimus 2.32.1; Malalas 247.30-5;
Chron. Pasch. 531.4-5,
Bibliotheca Cod.257.475a.37-9;
Patr. Const. (Preger) 139.6-11,
Synops. Sathas 52.17-8.
kappa 2284.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; food; historiography; history; politics
Translated by: Kostas Zafeiris on 26 August 2011@06:11:33.
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