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Search results for pi,499 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,499
Translated headword: admonition
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] good counsel.[1]
Admonition differs from counsel: for admonition is admonitory speech that does not admit contradiction; as is the case if someone were to say that it is necessary to honor the divine; for no one opposes this admonition, unless he first went mad. But counsel is deliberative speech that does admit contradiction; as is the case if someone were to say that it is necessary to go to war, for many are the profits from war; but another person might say the opposite, that it is not necessary to go to war, for many are the consequences from war, such as defeat, being taken captive, wounds, destruction of cities.[2]
Greek Original:*parai/nesis: h( a)gaqh\ sumboulh/. *parai/nesis sumboulh=s diafe/rei: parai/nesis me\n ga/r e)sti lo/gos parainetiko\s a)nti/rrhsin ou)k e)pidexo/menos: oi(=on w(s ei)/ tis ei)/poi, o(/ti dei= to\ qei=on tima=n: ou)dei\s ga\r e)nantiou=tai th=| paraine/sei tau/th|, mh\ pro/teron manei/s. sumboulh\ de/ e)sti lo/gos sumbouleutiko\s a)nti/rrhsin e)pidexo/menos: oi(=on w(s ei)/ tis ei)/poi, o(/ti dei= polemei=n: polla\ ga/r e)sti ta\ e)k tou= pole/mou ke/rdh: e(/teros de/ tis a)ntei/poi, w(s ou) dei= polemei=n: polla\ ga/r e)sti ta\ e)k tou= pole/mou sumbai/nonta, oi(=on h(=tta, ai)xmalwsi/a, plhgai/, po/lewn kataskafai/.
[1] cf.
pi 511 for the general view that
parainesis and
symboule are synonyms. It is challenged, however, in the rest of the entry: see next note.
[2] Material not identified by Adler but identifiable via the TLG as ps.-
Characteres epistolici 5 (with minor differences). Compare also
Commentary on Hermogenes *peri\ sta/sewn 2.192 (= Waltz,
Rhetorici Graeci 4.763);
Etymologicum Gudianum 514; ps.-
Ammonius 455 s.v.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; military affairs; philosophy; politics; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 29 July 2011@11:18:55.
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