*parafula/ssw: prosdokw=. *)iw/shpos: parafula/ssw ga\r e)n *xa/lbw| *pla/kidon ei)s th\n *galilai/an a)nabh=nai di' e)nnoi/as e)/xonta.
The headword is a verb in the present active indicative, first person singular. It appears in this form in the quotation as given (see n. 1), but the original text uses a participle of the same verb.
[1] An approximation of
Life of Josephus 227 (a phrase in a letter). The place-name in the original -- already in ch.213 there, which has classified it as a village of
Ptolemais (a.k.a. Ake: Barrington Atlas map 69 grid B4) -- is Chabolo (
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