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Search results for pi,486 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,486
Translated headword: to misuse the beacons
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Using the beacons inappropriately, that is, for the benefit of the enemy and to the detriment of the friendly side; just as
Dinarchus used [the word] in a family of speeches.[1]
Greek Original:*parafruktwrei=n: to\ toi=s fruktoi=s para\ to\ prosh=kon xrh=sqai, toute/stin e)pi\ sumfe/ronti me\n tw=n polemi/wn e)pi\ bla/bh| de\ tw=n fili/wn: w(s kai\ *dei/narxos e)n oi)kei/w| lo/gwn e)xrh/sato.
pi 485.
Clumsily (see below) adapted from Harpokration s.v.
[1] So the transmitted text, but it is obviously faulty. See rather Harpok.: "so the same orator" - he has been cited earlier in the entry - "explained this in the speech" (
Dinarchus fr. IX.4 Conomis). Mss GM have
lo/gw| rather than
lo/gwn ("in a family speech"), regarded as correct by Theodoridis on
Lexicon pi328.
Keywords: definition; ethics; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 December 2000@08:52:32.
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