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Adler number: pi,481
Translated headword: instanter
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] immediately, from the present time.
Arrian [writes]: "marching out instanter, as we are, place the outcome of the battle in our hands."[1]
Greek Original:*parauto/qen: au)ti/ka, a)po\ tou= paro/ntos xro/nou. *)arriano/s: parauto/qen, w(s e)/xomen, e)pecelqo/ntes, e)n xersi\ sth/sasqai to\ te/los th=s ma/xhs.
The headword adverb, presumably extracted from the quotation given, is a rare variant of
alpha 4493.
[1] Arrian (work uncertain) fr. 4 Roos-Wirth (= FGrH 156 F159). The verb "place" is in the infinitive in Greek, suggesting that the phrase is part of a longer sentence.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: William Hutton on 26 July 2011@10:44:40.
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