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Headword: *para/ton
Adler number: pi,470
Translated headword: paraton
Vetting Status: high
[sc. This means] "preparation" amongst Romans. From which also [sc. comes] a)ntipara/twra ["mutual preparation"], [meaning] adornment or some other fine appearance.
Greek Original:
*para/ton: h( paraskeuh\ para\ *(rwmai/ois. e)c ou(= kai\ a)ntipara/twra, h( ko/smhsis h)\ a)/llh eu)pre/peia.
Copied from alpha 2701. (The present entry is a marginal addition in mss. AV.)
The headword, unattested outside the Suda, is a Hellenized form of the Latin paratum.
Keywords: clothing; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 18 November 2010@11:07:06.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes; tweaks and cosmetics) on 19 November 2010@03:07:49.
David Whitehead on 30 August 2011@06:47:24.


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