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Adler number: pi,46
Translated headword: violent man
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] murderer, or one polluted [sc. by blood-guiltiness].[1] For those who commit homicide with their [sc. bare] hands are called
palamnaioi from
palamĂȘ ["palm of the hand"]. Also [sc. attested is] Zeus Palamnaios, the one who punishes such men; and Prostropaios, he who turns the pollution upon them.[2]
Babrius [writes]: "'the scoundrel,' he said, 'I [do not] fear the mouse, lest he bite my skin as he flees; but he was going to soil my mane.'" The lion says [this] about a mouse.[3]
And elsewhere: "[they] seemed to be not human beings but some kind of violent demons."[4]
Aelian [writes]: "before the engagement with the enemy, as he saw that his people were perishing, that violent man dared to quench the evil with a greater evil; indeed he bids them cut the wretched maiden in two."[5]
Greek Original:*palamnai=os: foneu/s, h)\ miaro/s. palamnai=oi ga\r le/gontai oi( dia\ xeiro\s a)ndrofonou=ntes, para\ th\n pala/mhn. kai\ *zeu\s *palamnai=os, o( tou\s toiou/tous timwrou/menos: kai\ *prostropai=os, o( prostre/pwn to\ a)/gos au)toi=s. *ba/brios: ou)xi\ to\n mu=n ei)=pen, h( palamnai/a, de/doika mh/ mou th\n dora\n da/kh| feu/gwn: xai/thn d' e)/melle th\n e)mh\n kataisxu/nein. o( le/wn fhsi\ peri\ muo/s. kai\ au)=qis: ou)k a)/nqrwpoi e)/docan ei)=nai a)lla\ dai/mones palamnai=oi/ tines. *ai)liano/s: o( de\ pro\ th=s e)s tou\s polemi/ous sumplokh=s, w(s ei)=den a)pollu/meno/n oi( to\n lew/n, e)netolmh/sato kako\n kakw=| mei/zoni o( palamnai=os a)/ra e)kei=nos sbe/sai. prosta/ttei gou)=n th\n a)/qlion parqe/non di/xa temei=n.
The first paragraph of this entry comes from
Lexicon pi57 Theodoridis; similar material elsewhere.
[1] LSJ entry at web address 1.
[2] Zeus Palamnaios is also attested in
Polybius and elsewhere: see LSJ. For [Zeus?] Prostropaios cf. generally
pi 2828,
pi 2829,
pi 2830.
Babrius 82.6-8 (manuscript reading differs); cf.
phi 718,
epsilon 449,
phi 644. A fox is ridiculing the lion for being afraid of the mouse.
Secret History 12.14 (web address 2), on Justinian (cf.
iota 446) and Theodora; cf. Kaldellis (58). On the demonic nature of Justinian see also
alpha 1259,
delta 806,
epsiloniota 225,
iota 726, and
pi 2088. On Theodora see
alpha 956 note.
Aelian fr. 53g Domingo-Forasté (50 Hercher); cf.
epsilon 1270 and
kappa 169.
A. Kaldellis, ed. and trans., Prokopios: The Secret History, (Indianapolis 2010)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; military affairs; mythology; poetry; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 10 July 2001@13:52:31.
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