A verb-adjunct.(?)[1] "But if at any rate -- it having been possible -- he became so manifestly [sc. someone] giving the impression of saying that he had come to speak about the ambassadors."[2]
*parasxo/n: e)pi/rrhma. ei) de/ ge parasxo\n ou(/tw kata/dhlos ge/nhtai do/cai le/gein, w(s parage/gone le/cwn peri\ tw=n pre/sbewn.
The headword, presumably extracted from the quotation given, is the aorist active participle, neuter (nominative, vocative, and) accusative singular, of the verb
pare/xw (
I hold, supply, yield, offer, submit). See generally LSJ s.v., esp. A.II.2 on this impersonal idiom (for which see already
epsilon 3637).
[1] In grammatical parlance an
e)pi/rrhma is usually an adverb (in the Suda passim; Dickey, p. 238), or sometimes an interjection (ibid., p. 127); cf.
epsilon 2546 and LSJ s.v.
e)pi/rrhma. Its import here is obscure. (Adler notes that ms V has
e)pi/grafon instead.)
[2] The placement of the quotation is uncertain; however, it was associated by Bernhardy with
Menander Protector fr. 66 FHG (4.268.b2), where the headword occurs. There the text describes how the Romans (in early 582 CE; Blockley, p. 286) ceded the city of Sirmium (Barrington Atlas map 21 grid B5; present-day Sremska Mitrovica,
Serbia) to the Avars, with each inhabitant,
having held onto just one cloak each, being allowed to evacuate (Blockley, pp. 240-1; Mitchell, p. 405).
E. Dickey, Ancient Greek Scholarship, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007
R.C. Blockley, The History of Menander the Guardsman, Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1985
S. Mitchell, A History of the Later Roman Empire, AD 284-641: The Transformation of the Ancient World, Oxford: Blackwell, 2007
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