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Search results for pi,448 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,448
Translated headword: we may submit him to judgment
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [
Plato] in
Republic 8 [uses the phrase] - meaning [so that] we may put him to judgment.[1] For the complaint is called an
antomosia;[2] the complainant writes the name on a little tablet and, with an attendant, hands the name and the seal over to the subject of the complaint.
Greek Original:*parasthsw/meqa au)to\n ei)s kri/sin: *politei/as h#. a)nti\ tou= katasth/swmen au)to\n ei)s kri/sin. to\ me\n ga\r e)/gklhma a)ntwmosi/a kalei=tai: o( de\ e)gkalw=n gra/yas to\ o)/noma ei)s pinaki/dion kai\ to\ o)/noma kai\ to\ e)pi/shmon meq' u(phre/tou tw=| e)gkaloume/nw| e)pidi/dwsi.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; law; philosophy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 23 April 2003@07:42:32.
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