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Adler number: pi,443
Translated headword: fee
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A very common word in the [sc. Attic] orators.[1] It is a drachma paid by the litigants in private suits.
Menander in
Woman-hater [writes]: "he is dragging a two-leaved tablet there, and a fee of one drachma".[2]
Aristotle in
Constitution of [the] Athenians, speaking of the
thesmothetai, says: "they also receive the public suits in which there is a fee: being a foreigner [sc. who masquerades as a citizen] and bribery by a foreigner - if someone bribes his way out of a charge of being a foreigner - and falsely registering someone as a debtor and falsely appearing as a witness to a judicial summons and failing to delete a discharged debtor and failing to register a debtor and seduction".[3]
Demetrius of
Phaleron in the [volumes]
On Lawmaking says that the arbitrators take the drachmas: one, which they call a fee, from the initial complaint, and another in connection with every affidavit.[4]
Greek Original:*para/stasis: tou)/noma polu\ para\ toi=s r(h/torsin. e)/sti de\ draxmh\ kataballome/nh u(po\ tw=n dikazome/nwn ta\s i)di/as di/kas. *me/nandros *misogu/nh|: e(/lkei de\ grammati/dion e)kei=se di/quron, kai\ para/stasis mi/a draxmh/. *)aristote/lhs de\ e)n *)aqhnai/wn *politei/a| peri\ tw=n qesmoqetw=n le/gwn fhsi/n: ei)si\ de\ grafai\ pro\s au)tou/s, w(=n para/stasis ti/qetai, ceni/as kai\ dwroceni/as, a)/n tis dw=ra dou\s a)pofu/gh| th\n ceni/an, kai\ yeudeggrafh=s kai\ yeudoklhti/as kai\ bouleu/sews kai\ grafi/ou kai\ moixei/as. *dhmh/trios de\ o( *falhreu\s e)n toi=s *peri\ nomoqesi/as tou\s diaithta\s fhsi\ lamba/nein ta\s draxma/s, mi/an me\n a)po\ th=s lh/cews, h(\n para/stasin e)ka/loun: e(te/ran de\ kata\ u(pwmosi/ou e(ka/sthn.
[1] Perhaps accidentally, a more precise form of words (already in
Photius pi302) than the one used by Harpokration s.v., where no genre is specified. For other senses of the headword, see
pi 441 and
pi 442.
Menander fr. 278 Koerte (238 K.-A.).
[3] ?
Athenaion Politeia 59.3, slightly abridged. For the
thesmothetai cf.
theta 267.
[4] FGrH 228 F7. For the arbitrators cf.
delta 887,
delta 888.
A.R.W. Harrison, The Law of Athens, vol.2 (Oxford 1971) 94
Keywords: comedy; definition; economics; historiography; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 December 2000@08:40:57.
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