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Search results for pi,435 in Adler number:
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Headword: *paraskeuh/
Adler number: pi,435
Translated headword: training
Vetting Status: high
'He was nicknamed 'critic grammarian', as having a grammatical training.'[1] He is speaking about Hecataeus.[2]
Greek Original:
*paraskeuh/: o( de\ e)peklh/qh kritiko\s grammatiko/s, oi(=a grammatikh\n e)/xwn paraskeuh/n. peri\ *(ekatai/ou fhsi/.
[1] An excerpt from the lemma (epsilon 359) on Hecataeus of Abdera.
[2] 'He' is presumably Hesychius of Miletus, the Suda's main biographical source.
Keywords: biography; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; history
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 5 September 2003@14:44:24.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 9 September 2003@02:46:51.


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