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Search results for pi,390 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,390
Translated headword: Paraloi
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [This can mean] both those sailing in the ship called
Paralos and those inhabiting the coastline of Attica; just as other [residents of Attica] are Plainsmen and Hillmen. And the sacred trireme is called
Paralos, which continually served urgent needs.[1] And whenever they wished to send for a commander from foreign parts, such as Alkibiades from
Sicily, they used the Paralos.[2] And the same is also called Salaminia. But later another two were added to them, Antigonis and
Greek Original:*pa/raloi: oi(/ te e)n th=| nhi\+ th=| *para/lw| ple/ontes kai\ oi( th\n para/lion th=s *)attikh=s katoikou=ntes: w(/sper e(/teroi *pedia/sioi kai\ *dia/krioi. *pa/ralos de\ trih/rhs i(era\ kalei=tai, h(/tis dihnekw=s tai=s e)peigou/sais xrei/ais u(phre/tei. o(po/te de\ e)k th=s a)llodaph=s metape/myasqai strathgo\n h)bou/lonto, w(/sper *)alkibia/dhn a)po\ *sikeli/as, th=| *para/lw| e)xrw=nto. le/getai de\ h( au)th\ kai\ *salamini/a. u(/steron de\ a)/llai du/o prosege/nonto au)tai=s, *)antigoni/s te kai\ *dhmhtria/s.
Photius pi258 Theodoridis; and see the other references there.
pi 388,
pi 389.
[1] cf.
Thucydides 2.55.1 for the coastal district called Paralos;
Thucydides 8.74.1 for the state ship of the same name; and see further, next note.
[2] See already under
pi 388, where the same mistake is made: the vessel sent for Alkibiades was the Salaminia (wrongly supposed, in what follows here, to be the same vessel).
[3] At the end of the fourth century BCE, when new tribes of the same names were created in honour of the Antigonid kings. See
Philochorus FGrH 328 F48.
Keywords: biography; definition; geography; history; military affairs; politics; religion
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 14 July 2002@08:38:39.
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