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Search results for pi,388 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,388
Translated headword: Paralos or Salaminia, Paralus or Salaminia
Vetting Status: high
Translation: These [were] sacred triremes in public service [sc. in classical
Athens], dispatched for the polis's requirements and fast-sailing; and they were like attendants, being swift, the one attending to festival business and the other to public business.[1]
And elsewhere: "the Athenians send the Paralos, summoning him to judgement".[2] That is, [summoning] Alkibiades.[3]
Greek Original:*pa/ralos h)\ *salamini/a: au(=tai i(erai\ trih/reis dhmo/siai, e)pi\ ta\s th=s po/lews xrei/as pempo/menai kai\ taxunautou=sai: kai\ h)=san w(s a)\n u(phre/tides taxei=ai ou)=sai, h( me\n u(phretou=sa ei)s ta\ qewrika/, h( de\ ei)s ta\ dhmo/sia. kai\ au)=qis: oi( de\ *)aqhnai=oi pe/mpousi th\n *pa/ralon, kalou=ntes au)to\n e)pi\ kri/sin. toute/stin *)alkibia/dhn.
Keywords: biography; constitution; definition; geography; history; law; military affairs; politics; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 October 2005@06:10:41.
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