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Search results for pi,366 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,366
Translated headword: having pushed open
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] having opened up. "[...] to open up or to replace the heavy clouds."
Aristophanes [writes]: "for women of that kind, having pushed open the outer-door a little, peer out. And if anyone directs his attention to them, they retreat. And then, if he goes away, they peer out [sc. again]".[1]
Greek Original:*parakli/nasai: paranoi/casai. h)me\n a)nakli=nai pukino\n ne/fos h)d' e)piqei=nai. *)aristofa/nhs: kai\ ga\r e)kei=nai parakli/nasai th=s au)lei/as paraku/ptousi. ka)/n tis prose/xh| to\n nou=n au)tai=s, a)naxwrou=si: ka)=|t', h)\n a)pi/h|, paraku/ptousi.
The headword, extracted from the Aristophanic quotation given, is aorist active participle, feminine nominative plural, of
Peace 981-985, with scholion to 981. The latter quotes
Iliad 5.751 (on the Hours, gatekeepers of heaven; cf., for the verb,
alpha 1904).
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; mythology; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 April 2012@06:28:39.
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