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Adler number: pi,356
Translated headword: audacious
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning lofty, or outrageous.
Aristophanes [writes]: "you would no longer find a genuine poet."[1] That is, someone natural and not contrived, or someone creative. "[...] who will pronounce something audacious like this: 'Aether, house of Zeus,' or 'foot of time', or 'mind unwilling to swear against what is holy, but the tongue forswearing separately from the mind.'"
Euripides [writes]: "I swear by holy Aether, the dwelling of Zeus."[2] But [out] of
Alexander: "and time's foot was stepping forward."[3] And out of
Hippolytus: "the tongue swore, but the mind [was] unsworn."[4]
Greek Original:*parakekinduneume/non: a)nti\ tou= u(yhlo/n, h)\ bla/sfhmon. *)aristofa/nhs: go/nimon de\ poihth\n ou)k a)\n eu(/rois e)/ti. toute/sti fusiko/n tina kai\ ou) bebiasme/non, h)\ gennhtiko/n. o(/stis fqe/gcetai toioutoni/ ti parakekinduneume/non, ai)qe/ra, *dio\s dwma/tion, h)\ xro/nou po/da, h)\ fre/na me\n ou)k e)qe/lousan o)mo/sai kaq' i(erw=n, glw=ttan d' e)piorkh/sasan a)/neu th=s freno/s. *eu)ripi/dhs: o)/mnumi d' i(ero\n ai)qe/r' oi)/khsin *dio/s. *)aleca/ndrou de/: kai\ xro/nou pro/baine pou/s. kai\ e)c *(ippolu/tou *eu)ripi/dou: h( glw=ss' o)mw/mox', h( de\ frh\n a)nw/motos.
The headword, though appropriately translatable as an adjective, is in fact the perfect middle/passive participle (neuter singular) of the verb
[1] This and the subsequent longer quotation come from
Frogs 96-102 (abridged and with some minor variant readings), with comments from the
Euripides fr. 487 Nauck, which the
scholia identify as coming from
Melanippe. (Also parodied in
Thesmophoriazusae 272.)
Alexander fr. 42 Nauck. For 'time's foot' see also
Bacchae 889.
Hippolytus 612, quoted more precisely in parody at
Frogs 1471 and
Thesmophoriazusae 276. This famous line also figures in
alpha 1796,
alpha 2592,
eta 63,
mu 1342, and
omicron 868.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; mythology; philosophy; poetry; religion; rhetoric; science and technology; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 20 July 2011@22:55:17.
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