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Adler number: pi,353
Translated headword: court-deposit
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Court-deposit] and [sc. also attested is the related verb] to submit a court-deposit. Those in dispute with the city [sc. of
Athens] over certain confiscated monies and those prosecuting private citizens about estates or heiresses laid down a sum of money, and if they lost the lawsuit they had to lose the money. Accordingly, in disputes with the public [treasury] it is clear that the deposit was the fifth part of the sum at issue. However,
Demosthenes in the special-plea [speech]
Against Pantainetos says, about some private suit, "and after this he again summoned me in the suit, as soon as he had retrieved the deposits".[1]
Greek Original:*parakatabolh/ kai\ *parakataba/llein: oi( a)mfisbhtou=ntes xrhma/twn tinw=n dedhmeume/nwn pro\s th\n po/lin kai\ oi( peri\ klh/rwn h)\ e)piklh/rwn pro\s i)diw/tas a)ntidikou=ntes a)rgu/rio/n ti kateti/qesan, kai\ tou=to e)xrh=n au)tou\s ste/resqai, ei) th\n di/khn h(tthqei=en. e)pi\ me\n ou)=n tw=n pro\s to\ dhmo/sion a)mfisbhth/sewn dh=lo/n e)stin, o(/ti to\ pe/mpton me/ros tou= a)mfisbhtoume/nou kateti/qeto. *dhmosqe/nhs me/ntoi e)n th=| pro\s *pantai/neton paragrafh=| peri\ i)di/as tino\s di/khs fhsi/: kai\ meta\ tau=ta proskalei=tai me/n me th\n di/khn pa/lin, e)peidh\ qa=tton a)nei/leto ta\s parakatabola/s.
A.R.W. Harrison, The Law of Athens, vol.2 (Oxford 1971) 179-183
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Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; law; rhetoric; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 December 2000@07:37:09.
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