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Search results for pi,352 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,352
Translated headword: court-deposit, parakatabole
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] deposit of a tenth part of the value.[1]
The lender has said to Strepsiades: "and know this, that I will put down prytaneia, or may I no longer live!" Meaning I will lodge an indictment against you; for they lodged the indictments of lawsuits in the Prytaneion.[2] Strepsiades says: "you will be throwing them away in addition to the twelve." You will also lose, he is saying, the expenses for the indictment, by doing these things in vain, since my son will vanquish you by speaking the more unjust argument. That is, the tenth of the value of the lawsuit, which is called synonymously a court-deposit.
Greek Original:*parakatabolh/: pro/qesis tou= deka/tou me/rous tou= timh/matos. ei)/rhken o( daneisth\s pro\s *streyia/dhn: kai\ tou=t' i)/sq', o(/ti qh/sw prutanei=', h)\ mhke/ti zw/|hn e)gw/. a)nti\ tou= grafh\n kata\ sou= qh/somai: e)n ga\r tw=| prutanei/w| e)ti/qesan ta\s tw=n dikw=n grafa/s. le/gei o( *streyia/dhs: prosapobalei=s a)/r', au)ta\ pro\s tai=s dw/deka. a)polei=s, fhsi/, kai\ ta\ e)pi\ th=| grafh=| a)nalw/mata, ma/thn au)ta\ poih/sas, dia\ to\ perie/sesqai/ sou to\n ui(o/n mou, le/gonta to\n a)dikw/teron lo/gon. o(/ e)sti to\ de/katon tou= timh/matos th=s di/khs, o(/per kalei=tai sunwnu/mws parakatabolh/.
See also
pi 353.
[1] =
Platonic Lexicon 998b;
Lexicon pi237 Theodoridis. The rest of the entry consists of quotations from
Clouds 1254-56, with comments -- on which see next note -- from the
scholia there. (The present headword does not appear in the
Aristophanes passages but does in the
[2] Despite the verbal jingle, the scholiast here is wrong to connect prytaneia (
pi 2997,
pi 2998) with the Prytaneion (
pi 2999).
Keywords: children; comedy; definition; economics; ethics; law; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 20 July 2011@15:02:13.
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