*paraqh/contai: parakonh/sontai. h)=n de\ *tu/llos *)/attidos, o( ta\s o)rga\s au)toi=s paraqh/cas, e)/xwn peri\ au(to\n e(tairi/an ou)k o)li/ghn.
[1] Likewise in other lexica; references at
Photius pi228 Theodoridis. The headword must be quoted from somewhere but is not otherwise attested. (For the verb
paraqh/gw see already
pi 343.)
[2] Tullus Attius, Volscian leader. (On the spelling, see next note.)
[3] An abridged version of
Dionysius of Halicarnassus,
Roman Antiquities 8.57.3. The Suda's version of this passage includes two departures from other manuscripts. First, the
d in
*)/Attidos also appears in ms B (= Urbinas 105), but Jacoby (Teubner, 1885) prints
*)/Attios, following the other manuscripts. Second, the reading
au)toi=s is unique to the Suda, with ms A (= Chisianus 58) having
au)tw=| where the other manuscripts (and Jacoby) have
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