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Search results for pi,3255 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,3255
Translated headword: inquiries
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Note] that in the more recent [writers] [it is] customary to call 'inquiries' the questions examining what the proposed thing is; for example, what a human being is. It is a dialectical premise,[1] in reply to which the person being questioned is able to answer yes or no.
Greek Original:*pu/smata: o(/ti ta\s e)rwth/seis, ta\s ti/ e)sti to\ prokei/menon e)cetazou/sas, pu/smata e)/qos le/gein toi=s newte/rois. oi(=on, ti/ e)stin a)/nqrwpos. dialektikh\ de\ pro/tasi/s e)sti, pro\s h(\n o( e)rwtw/menos du/natai a)pokri/nasqai nai\ h)\ ou)/.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 9 December 2003@12:53:43.
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