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Search results for pi,3247 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,3247
Translated headword: beacons
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he/she/it] kindles a fire.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] "I beacon salvation to you,"[2] meaning I reveal and I kindle and I show what is finest from on high, like some beacon and fire-signaling on high showing the way to salvation for those hurrying into a harbor and anchorage. 'Fire-signaling' is the activity itself of showing, while 'beacon' and 'signal-fire' and 'fire-signal' are the thing shown itself, while the one who shows and engages in the activity is the 'fire-signaler'. The verb [is] fruktwrei= ['he/she/it fire-signals'), whence the participle [is] fruktwrw=n ['he fire-signaling'].[3]
Greek Original:*purseu/ei: pu=r e)ca/ptei. kai\ *purseu/w soi th\n swthri/an, a)nti\ tou= e)mfai/nw kai\ a)na/ptw kai\ a)/nwqen deiknu/w to\ ka/lliston, oi(=a/ tis purso\s kai\ fruktwri/a a)/nwqen e)pideiknu/ousa to\ sw=|zon toi=s ei)s lime/na kai\ o(/rmon e)peigome/nois. kai\ fruktwri/a me/n e)stin au)th\ h( tou= deiknu/ein e)ne/rgeia, purso\s de\ kai\ frukto\s kai\ fruktwrh/menon au)to\ to\ deiknuo/menon, o( de\ deiknu\s kai\ e)nergw=n fruktwro/s. to\ de\ r(h=ma fruktwrei=, e)c ou(= h( metoxh\ fruktwrw=n.
[1] =
Synagoge pi815 and
Lexicon pi1573; cf.
Hesychius pi4468. The headword is taken to be quoted from
Proverbs 16.28
[2] Quotation unidentifiable, but cf. Gregory of Nazianzus PG 35.988.5. The metaphor also appears in other Christian writers, though the comments here suggest a different context.
[3] The transmitted
fruktwrei= here, though not queried by Adler, should surely be the infinitive
fruktwrei=n. For both this and the present participle
fruktwrw=n (in
Dinarchus) see Harpokration phi129 Keaney.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; imagery; military affairs; religion; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: William Hutton on 19 August 2013@14:47:17.
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