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Search results for pi,322 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,322
Translated headword: model, paradigm, pattern
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning an] archetype, or a characteristic providing a conception of a perceptible matter. Note that a model [is] one thing, a parable [parabolh/] another.[1] For there is a model whenever someone compares what is similar to what is similar, such as what is rational to what is rational. By contrast [there is] a parable whenever [someone compares] what is dissimilar to what is dissimilar, such as what is rational to what is irrational or vice versa.
Alternatively[2] a model is a rational account [deriving] from the particulars and [going] to the universals.[3] Or a proof that substantiates a part through a similar part.
Greek Original:*para/deigma: ei)kw/n, h)\ xarakth\r e)/nnoian e)/xwn ai)sqhtou= pra/gmatos. i)ste/on de/, o(/ti a)/llo para/deigma kai\ a)/llo parabolh/. para/deigma me\n ga/r e)stin, o(/tan a)ntiparaqh=| tis o(/moion o(moi/w|, oi(=on logikw=| logiko/n: parabolh\ de/, o(/tan a)no/moion a)nomoi/w|, oi(=on a)lo/gw| logiko\n h)\ e)/mpalin. h)\ para/deigma/ e)sti lo/gos a)po\ tw=n kaqe/kasta e)pi\ ta\ kaqo/lou. h)\ dei=cis pistoume/nh to\ meriko\n dia\ merikou= o(moi/ou.
See also
pi 323.
[1] For
parabolh/ cf.
pi 293,
pi 294,
pi 295.
[2] For what follows cf. George the Monk,
Chronicon 150.23-151.2.
[3] See
Posterior Analytics 71a9-10. "Model" or "example" (
para/deigma) is the name given to inductive arguments in rhetorical contexts; cf.
Rhetoric 1356b2-24 and 1357a13-16.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; historiography; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 27 November 2003@15:04:35.
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