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Adler number: pi,319
Translated headword: paragraphe, special plea
Vetting Status: high
Translation: When someone says that the matter about which there is a [sc. legal] complaint was previously brought into a jurycourt, and a verdict has been reached about it. And for this reason he says that a judgement about it should not be arrived at; but [it is] especially [necessary] to read the laws to the dikasts, who frequently do not agree to give judgement on the same things. But he talks about the matter itself at the same time, demonstrating to the dikasts that those who had served as dikasts in the past had cast their votes justly and in accordance with the laws. And this is a paragraphe. Also [sc. it can arise] in that [sc. kind of] lawsuit, about which nothing is determined in the laws, nor is there anyone to introduce it [into court],[1] as happens in other suits; for it has been prescribed for each of the other suits in the magistracies that some person introduces it [into court]. So a paragraphe procedure is allowed also to those whose complaint is of this kind, [i.e.] one on which legislation has made no provision.
Greek Original:*paragrafh/: o(/tan le/gh| tis o(/ti to\ pra=gma, peri\ ou(= to\ e)/gklhma/ e)stin, ei)sh/xqh pro/teron ei)s dikasth/rion, kai\ gege/nhtai peri\ au)tou= gnw=sis. kai\ dia\ tou=to/ fhsi mh\ dei=n e)/ti peri\ au)tou= suni/stasqai kri/sin: ma/lista de\ tou\s no/mous a)naginw/skein toi=s dikastai=s, oi(\ pleona/kis dika/zesqai peri\ tw=n au)tw=n ou) sugxwrou=si. le/gei de\ peri\ au)tou= tou= pra/gmatos a(/ma toi=s dikastai=s paradeiknu/s, w(s oi( pa/lai dika/santes kai\ dikai/ws kai\ kata\ tou\s no/mous yhfi/santes. kai\ tou=to/ e)sti paragrafh/. kai\ e)p' e)kei/nh| th=| di/kh|, peri\ h(=s ou)de\n w(/ristai para\ toi=s no/mois, ou)de\ e)/nestin au)th\n o( ei)sa/cwn, w(/sper kai\ ta\s a)/llas di/kas: tw=n ga\r a)/llwn dikw=n proste/taktai e(ka/stw| tw=n e)n tai=s a)rxai=s ei)sa/gein tina/. paragra/fesqai ou)=n e)fei=tai kai\ toi=s tosou=to/n ti e)gkaloume/nois, peri\ ou(= ou) nenomoqe/thtai.
Same entry in
Lexicon pi215 Theodoridis. For the paragraphe, a procedure in classical Athenian law, see also
pi 320.
[1] i.e. (as is explained) as presiding magistrate.
Keywords: definition; law
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 21 December 2009@12:43:57.
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