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Adler number: pi,3173
Translated headword: to inquire
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [This verb,
punqa/nesqai] means to hear, to learn, to be taught, to investigate, to ask, or something else, similar to asking but not asking exactly; for there is obviously a difference, especially for the dialecticians, between inquiry [
pu/sma] and questioning [
'Inquiring' [is used] in the orators and in
Homer in reference to hearing and learning. "I learned about Ithaca,"[1] and elsewhere, "for this will be shameful for posterity to learn."[2] Also, "in
Cyprus he heard the great report,"[3] and "learning where each man perished."[4] Also, "Kronion made his fate unknown."[5] In all these [passages]
punqa/nesqai refers to hearing. And
Aeschines in the [speech]
On the mismanaged embassy [writes] "hearing that he had attacked this man."[6] And
Dinarchus in the [speech]
Against Philocles [writes]: "good luck, because in a greater crisis you learned of his shameful greed."[7] And
Demosthenes in the [speech]
On the mismanaged embassy [writes]: "this man made a false report; you believed [it]; the Phocians learned [it]."[8]
Greek Original:*punqa/nesqai: a)kou/ein, manqa/nein, dida/skesqai, i(storei=n, e)rwta=n h)\ e(/tero/n ti shmai/nei, paraplh/sion me\n tou= e)rwta=n, ou) mh\n au)to\ to\ e)rwta=n: e)/sti ga/r tis, w(s dh=lon, diafora\ ma/lista para\ toi=s dialektikoi=s metacu\ pu/smatos kai\ e)rwth/matos. to\ punqa/nesqai para\ toi=s r(h/torsi kai\ par' *(omh/rw| e)pi\ tou= a)kou/ein kai\ manqa/nein. punqano/mhn *)iqa/khs ge. kai\ pa/lin: ai)sxro\n ga\r to/de g' e)sti\ kai\ e)ssome/noisi puqe/sqai. kai/, peu/qeto ga\r *ku/pronde me/ga kle/os. kai/, peuqo/- menos, h(=|xi e(/kastos a)pw/leto. kai/, kei/nou d' au)= kai\ o)/leqron a)peuqe/a qh=ke *kroni/wn. e)n ga\r tou/tois a(/pasin e)pi\ tou= a)kou/ein kei=tai to\ punqa/nesqai. kai\ *ai)sxi/nhs de\ e)n tw=| *peri\ th=s parapresbei/as: tou/tw| sumbalei=n punqano/menos. kai\ *dei/narxos e)n tw=| kata\ *filokle/ous: eu)tuxei=te, o(/ti ou)k e)n mei/zoni kairw=| e)pu/qesqe th\n au)tou= ai)sxroke/rdeian. kai\ *dhmosqe/nhs e)n tw=| *peri\ th=s parapresbei/as: ou(=tos a)ph/ggeile ta\ yeudh=: u(mei=s e)pisteu/sate: oi( *fwkei=s e)pu/qonto.
Parts of this entry are paralleled in
Photius (pi1539 Theodoridis), the
Lexica Segueriana, and
Anecdota Graeca I ed. Bekker. See also
pi 3174,
pi 3175.
Odyssey 13.256 (web address 1).
Iliad 2.119 (web address 2).
Iliad 11.21 (web address 3).
Odyssey 3.87 (web address 4).
Odyssey 3.88 (web address 4).
[6] This phrase is not extant in
Aeschines 2, or anywhere else in
Aeschines; it occurs only here, and is unidentifiable.
Dinarchus 3.6.
Demosthenes 19.76 (web address 5).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4,
Web address 5
Keywords: biography; definition; epic; ethics; history; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 18 September 2004@00:54:52.
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