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Search results for pi,3170 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,3170
Translated headword: [in a] gateway
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In
Homer [
pu/lw| is used] instead of
e)n pu/lh|. "In a gateway, among the dead."[1] As [
Homer calls]
dei/lhn ["afternoon"]
dei/elon, and
e(spe/ran ["evening"]
Greek Original:*pu/lw|: pa\r *(omh/rw| a)nti\ tou= e)n pu/lh|. e)n pu/lw|, e)n neku/essin. w(s dei/elon th\n dei/lhn: kai\ e(/speron th\n e(spe/ran.
Iliad 5.397, where however editors prefer to interpret the phrase as
e)n *pu/lw| "in
Pylos" (cf.
pi 3167). The note comes from
scholia on this verse.
[2] These are added as examples of other nouns where
Homer uses a second-declension (thematic stem) form instead of a first-declension (a-stem) form.
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 5 October 2013@01:27:25.
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