Suda On Line
Search results for pi,3159 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,3159
Translated headword: Pylades
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A Cilician, from the village of Mestarne.[1] He wrote about Italic dance, which was also invented by him, from the so-called comic dance which was called the kordax; and [from] the tragic, which was called sikinnis; and [from] the satyric, which [was called] emmeleia.[2]
Greek Original:*pula/dhs, *ki/lic a)po\ kw/mhs *mhstarnw=n. e)/graye peri\ o)rxh/sews th=s *)italikh=s, h(/tis kai\ u(p' au)tou= eu(re/qh, a)po\ th=s kwmikh=s kaloume/nhs o)rxh/sews, h(\ e)kalei=to ko/rdac: kai\ th=s tragikh=s, h(\ e)kalei=to si/kinnis: kai\ th=s saturikh=s, h(/tis e)mme/leia.
Keywords: biography; comedy; geography; meter and music; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 February 2010@05:38:24.
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