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Headword: *pukni/
Adler number: pi,3152
Translated headword: on the Pnyx
Vetting Status: high
As in the [phrase] of Aristophanes:[1] "except not on the Pnyx."[2]
Also [sc. attested is] Pyknites; [in the phrase] "Demos of the Pnyx."[3] Pnyx, a place in Athens, where the Athenians used to hold assembly. He spoke of a 'Pyknites' just as [if he were saying] a citizen [= demesman] of the Pnyx. It is called Pnyx on account of the packing-in [puknou=sqai] [sc. of those attending].[4] And the jurycourt in Athens used to be called Pnyx.
Greek Original:
*pukni/: w(s e)n tw=| *)aristofa/nei: plh\n mh\ 'n th=| *pukni/. kai\ *pukni/ths: dh=mos pukni/ths. *pnu/c, to/pos *)aqh/nhsin, e)/nqa e)kklhsi/azon oi( *)aqhnai=oi. w(/sper de\ poli/thn th=s *pukno\s *pukni/thn ei)=pe. *pnu\c de\ le/getai para\ to\ puknou=sqai. kai\ to\ e)n *)aqh/nais de\ dikasth/rion *pnu\c e)kalei=to.
For the Pnyx hill see also pi 3151, and generally Hansen (1987) 12-19. For words possibly related to the name (if the etymology offered here is correct) see also all the other entries between pi 3142 and pi 3155, inclusive.
[1] The word Aristophanes is transmitted in the dative case; Bernhardy deleted it; an alternative would be to make it genitive.
[2] Aristophanes, Knights 749 (web address 1).
[3] A pretend deme-name in Aristophanes, Knights 42 (web address 2). It is followed here by comment from the scholia there.
[4] cf. pi 1836.
M.H. Hansen, The Athenian Assembly (Oxford 1987) 12-19
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; law
Translated by: Norita Dobyns on 24 February 2004@19:40:22.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added punctuation, links, and keywords) on 25 February 2004@01:02:27.
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented notes and keywords) on 25 February 2004@03:19:22.
Catharine Roth (fixed links, other cosmetics) on 16 September 2011@21:44:36.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 1 December 2011@08:29:20.
William Hutton (augmented and rearranged general note and bibliography) on 17 September 2013@08:04:59.
David Whitehead on 23 October 2013@09:42:52.
David Whitehead (tweak) on 24 March 2014@09:09:25.


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