Suda On Line
Search results for pi,315 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,315
Translated headword: march in battle order, march-in-line
Vetting Status: high
Translation: It is called a 'march-in-line' whenever a phalanx marches and has its leaders [drawn] from the left or from the right.[1] And if it has its leaders from the left it is called a 'left march-in-line;' if from the right, 'right march-in-line.' But whether the march occurs in march-in-column[2] or in march-in-line, it will proceed in single-front [or double-front][3] or triple-front or quadruple-front deployment. [It will be] in single-front, whenever it is threatened from one direction; in double-front, whenever from two directions; in triple-front, whenever from three; in quadruple-front, whenever the enemy is suspected to attack from all directions.
Greek Original:*paragwgh/: paragwgh\ le/getai, o(/tan h( fa/lagc poreu/htai e)k tw=n eu)wnu/mwn tou\s h(gemo/nas e)/xousa h)\ e)k tw=n deciw=n. ka)\n me\n e)k tw=n eu)wnu/mwn e)/xh| tou\s h(gemo/nas, eu)w/numos paragwgh\ le/getai: e)a\n de\ e)k tw=n deciw=n, decia\ paragwgh/. ei)/te de\ h( porei/a e)n e)pagwgh=| gi/netai ei)/te e)n paragwgh=|, e)n monopleu/rw| h)\ tripleu/rw| h)\ tetrapleu/rw| ta/gmati badiei=. monopleu/rw| me/n, o(/tan monaxo/qen fobhqh=|: dipleu/rw| de/, o(/tan dixo/qen: tripleu/rw| de/, o(/tan trixo/qen: tetrapleu/rw| de/, o(/tan pantaxo/qen oi( pole/mioi e)piti/qesqai u(forw=ntai.
'March in battle order' is LSJ's translation for this sense of the headword noun
paragwgh/ (IV.2 there); 'march-in-line', more precise, was preferred by the Illinois Greek Club (translators of tactical texts for the Loeb Classical Library).
This material recurs in the Tactica appended to the Suda; and compare also e.g.
Asclepiodotus 10.1 (brief mention) and 11.1.
[1] For this terminology cf.
omicron 312.
[2] cf. under
epsilon 1923.
[3] The words 'or double-front' have dropped out here (but not in the Tactica version).
Keywords: definition; military affairs; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: James Inman on 2 October 2013@15:41:56.
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