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Headword: *puqmh/n
Adler number: pi,3132
Translated headword: base, foundation
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] the ultimate and final part of every possible object.[1]
Also, Protagoras the philosopher used to call 'bases of discourses' the divisions of discourses; for he was the first to divide the discourse into 4 [types] -- wish, question, answer, command. Others [divide it] into 7 -- narrative, question, answer, command, rehearsal, wish, summoning. But Alcidamas says [there are] 4 [types of] discourses -- assertion, denial, question, address.[2]
Greek Original:
*puqmh/n: to\ e)/sxaton me/ros kai\ teleutai=on panto\s ou(tinosou=n skeu/ous. kai\ *puqme/nas lo/gwn e)ka/lei *prwtago/ras o( filo/sofos ta\s tw=n lo/gwn diaire/seis: ou(=tos ga\r diei=le prw=tos to\n lo/gon ei)s d#, eu)xwlh/n, e)rw/thsin, a)po/krisin, e)ntolh/n. a)/lloi de\ ei)s z#, dih/ghsin, e)rw/thsin, a)po/krisin, e)ntolh/n, e)paggeli/an, eu)xwlh/n, klh=sin. *)alkida/mas de\ d# lo/gous fhsi/: fa/sin, a)po/fasin, e)rw/thsin, prosago/reusin.
[1] cf. Hesychius pi4302.
[2] From Diogenes Laertius 9.53-54; cf. aready pi 2958. For Alcidamas, see alpha 1283.
Keywords: biography; definition; imagery; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 23 February 2010@10:29:10.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 10 May 2010@23:33:00.
David Whitehead (x-ref) on 11 May 2010@03:34:44.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 1 December 2011@08:16:00.
David Whitehead on 23 October 2013@08:53:09.


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