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Search results for pi,3119 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,3119
Translated headword: basin
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] receptacle.
"He sends a letter in [= to?]
Byzantium, having placed such a paper on the basin of the sacred remains of Peter, chief of the apostles, making this be removed from there and delivered to the hands of the one who sent it."[1]
"For he got into a warm basin and took a draft of unmixed wine, then drew chilly Hades upon himself."[2]
Greek Original:*pu/elos: qh/kh. e)pistolh\n pe/mpei e)n *buzanti/w|, th=| pue/lw| tw=n i(erw=n leiya/nwn tou= korufai/ou tw=n a)posto/lwn *pe/trou to\n toiou=ton xa/rthn e)piteqeikw\s ka)kei=qen tou=ton tai=s xersi\ tou= a)postale/ntos a)rqh=nai poih/sas. qermh\n e)s pu/elon ga\r e)sh/luqe kai\ a)/krhton e)/spasen: ei)=t' a)i/+dhn yuxro\n e)pespa/sato.
The headword, a noun in the nominative singular masculine, might be quoted from somewhere or is perhaps simply generic. Either way, it is not drawn from either of the quotations given here, which have the dative singular and accusative singular respectively.
For a different gloss on the same headword, see
pi 3118; and cf.
pi 3117 for a related word.
[1] Quotation (and individual) unidentifiable.
Greek Anthology 7.106.3-4 (=
Diogenes Laertius 10.16) in reference to the suicide of
Epicurus (
epsilon 2404 etc.).
Keywords: biography; Christianity; daily life; definition; food; geography; history; imagery; philosophy; poetry; religion; science and technology
Translated by: William Hutton on 19 September 2013@04:33:07.
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