Suda On Line
Search results for pi,3079 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,3079
Translated headword: Painted
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A stoa in
Athens, where those who had fought at
Marathon were depicted, with the following epigram appended: "fighting in defence of the Hellenes at
Marathon, Athenians killed two hundred thousand Medes".[1]
Greek Original:*poiki/lh: stoa\ e)n *)aqh/nais, e)/nqa e)gra/fhsan oi( e)n *maraqw=ni polemh/santes: ei)s ou(/s e)stin e)pi/gramma to/de: *(ellh/nwn promaxou=ntes *)aqhnai=oi *maraqw=ni e)/kteinan *mh/dwn ei)/kosi muria/das.
See also
beta 153,
zeta 79,
pi 1469,
sigma 1126.
[1] The claim in the epigram is of course numerically ludicrous. Other versions with 'ninety thousand' are no better. In fact c.6400 Persians perished (
Herodotus 6.117).
Keywords: architecture; art history; definition; history; military affairs; poetry
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 December 2000@07:46:13.
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