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Search results for pi,3074 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,3074
Translated headword: grass, haying-time, summer-season
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the year, in
Callimachus; [so called] from the [fact of] hay growing once and only once in the year.[1]
"I [am] a quince still from the first summer-season [...]."[2]
Greek Original:*poi/h: o( e)niauto\s para\ *kallima/xw|: para\ to\ a(/pac kai\ mo/non e)n tw=| e)niautw=| th\n bota/nhn fu/esqai. mh=lon e)gw\ strou/qion a)po\ prote/rhs e)/ti poi/hs.
Aetia fr.4 4 (
e)p' e)nne/a...poi/as); cf. scholion on
Idylls 3.32a, and
Etymologicum Magnum 677.52. See also
pi 3076.
Greek Anthology 6.252.1 (
Antiphilus), on the gift of a quince, preserved in winter, to a noblewoman of high rank; cf. Gow and Page (vol. I, 92-93); (vol. II, 117); quoted already at
alpha 904,
alpha 976,
alpha 4212, and again more fully at
mu 934. Find further excerpts from this epigram at
kappa 2502,
nu 439, and
sigma 903.
A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, eds., The Greek Anthology: The Garland of Philip and Some Contemporary Epigrams, vol. I, (Cambridge, 1968)
A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, eds., The Greek Anthology: The Garland of Philip and Some Contemporary Epigrams, vol. II, (Cambridge, 1968)
Keywords: agriculture; botany; chronology; definition; food; poetry; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 May 2008@16:08:38.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 29 May 2008@03:32:33.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, added cross-references) on 11 July 2009@01:18:23.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation back again) on 11 July 2009@13:20:27.
David Whitehead on 23 October 2013@06:21:39.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.2, added bibliography, added cross-references, added keyword) on 18 April 2019@22:45:36.
No. of records found: 1
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