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Search results for pi,3070 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,3070
Translated headword: where on earth were you out of town?
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Dionysus says, "Where on earth [...]," and he says "I was boarding with Cleisthenes."[1] The [verb] 'to board' refers to sexual intercourse, from a metaphor of animals, which have intercourse by mounting. And Cleisthenes is lampooned for lewdness. He had a smooth chin, and [
Aristophanes] likens him to a eunuch. He also lampoons Cleisthenes for being sexually passive. So he is implying that even if he were out of town on a military campaign, he would have been campaigning with Cleisthenes.
Greek Original:*poi= gh=s a)pedh/meis: o( *dio/nusos le/gei, poi= gh=s; o( de/ fhsin, e)peba/teuon *kleisqe/nei. to\ e)pibateu/ein e)pi\ sunousi/as, a)po\ metafora=s tw=n zw/|wn, a(\ e)pibai/nonta sunousia/zei. o( de\ *kleisqe/nhs e)p' ai)sxro/thti kwmw|dei=tai. h)=n de\ lei=os to\ ge/neion, kai\ eu)nou/xw| ei)ka/zei au)to/n. to\n de\ *kleisqe/nhn kai\ e)pi\ tou= pasxhtia=n kwmw|dei=. e)mfai/nei ou)=n, o(/ti ei) kai\ kata\ stratei/an a)pedh/moun, *kleisqe/nei a)\n e)strateusa/mhn.
Frogs 48, with comments from the
scholia. The truncated first part of the quotation (the full version of which is the headword phrase) is actually delivered by the character Heracles. Dionysus' response is the second part of the quotation. Substantially the same material can be found at
epsilon 2021. For Cleisthenes, a frequent butt of
Aristophanes' humor, see
kappa 1756,
kappa 1757,
kappa 1758. Henderson [below] 162 #262 notes this sexual application of
e)pibateu/ein, attested only here.
J. Henderson, The Maculate Muse (New Haven 1975)
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; gender and sexuality; geography; history; imagery; medicine; military affairs; poetry; politics; religion; stagecraft; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 23 September 2013@02:12:55.
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