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Headword: *ptuxai/
Adler number: pi,3067
Translated headword: folds
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] the declivities of mountains. Also the various plates of a shield [sc. that lie] upon one another.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] "with the all-shining folds of the heavens relaxed, the initiate sees."[2]
Greek Original:
*ptuxai/: ai( tw=n o)rw=n a)pokli/seis. kai\ ta\ dia/fora th=s a)spi/dos e)p' a)llh/lois e)la/smata. kai/, a)neime/nwn po/loio pamfaw=n ptuxw=n, mu/sths o(ra=|.
The headword is the nominative plural form of the feminine noun ptuxh/; see further, note 1.
For related words see pi 3060 to pi 3063 and pi 3066, as well as pi 1127, pi 2795, alpha 2039, delta 938.
[1] = Synagoge pi354, Photius pi1490 Theodoridis; cf. Apion, Fragmenta de glossis Homericis s.v. ptu/xes (Ludwich: 99); Apollonius, Homeric Lexicon 137, and, for the first gloss, Hesychius pi4259. Evidently from commentary to Homer, although Homer uses the consonant-declension alternative ptu/c instead of the alpha-declension ptuxh/. Accordingly the lemma in Apion, Apollonius and Hesychius is ptu/xes, the nominative plural of ptu/c. In their editions of the earlier lexica Latte (Hesychius) cites Homer, Iliad 11.77 and Odyssey 19.437 [sic; rather, 432], in both of which the word appears in the accusative plural in reference to mountains. Ludwich (Apion) cites Iliad 8.411 (with a related compound poluptu/xou ('many-folded') in reference to mountain glens) and Iliad 7.247 (accusative plural) in reference to shield plates. Curiously neither cites the one instance where Homer uses the nominative plural: Iliad 18.481 (shield). Other instances include Iliad 20.269 and 20.270 (accusative plural, shield) and Iliad 20.22 (dative singular, mountain). The form that appears as the headword here (alpha declension, nominative plural) is attested in the senses specified in the gloss at Ibycus fr. S220.3 Page, Simonides fr. 14.5 Page and Timotheus fr. 15.106.
[2] Adler cites Nauck's edition of John of Damascus, Canones Iambici 2.76-77, quoted more briefly already at alpha 2379. The quotation consists of one iambic metron plus a full iambic trimeter. [Adler also reports that this quotation is lacking in mss AF but in the margin of mss A (in a more recent hand) and V.]
A. Ludwich, "Über die homerischen Glossen Apions," Philologus 75 (1919) 95‑103
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; imagery; military affairs; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 23 September 2013@02:17:33.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 23 September 2013@09:49:49.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 24 September 2013@03:04:29.
William Hutton (cosmeticule) on 24 September 2013@08:56:09.
David Whitehead on 23 October 2013@06:14:08.


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