[Meaning a] winnowing-fanlet.
*ptu/on: ptua/rion.
= ps.-Herodian,
Epimerismi 117, and (according to Adler)
Lexicon Ambrosianum 1466.
The gloss is merely the headword with a diminutive suffix added; yet in ps-.Herodian and presumably here it does seem to be an effort to define the word. Given the late-Greek trend toward the addition of diminutives to common words, it is possible that the gloss was more common than the headword in vernacular speech, although in preserved literature the opposite is very much the case. Possibly drawn from
Sophocles (fr. 980 Nauck; cf.
Pausanias the Atticist pi37), or perhaps the
New Testament (
Matthew 3.12,
Luke 3.17).
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