*ptoi/a: pto/hsis. fo/bos. oi( de\ *sku/qai e)s tou=to dei/matos kai\ ptoi/as a(/panta perie/sthsan, w(/ste ei(=s kai\ muri/ous e)di/wken, ei) kai\ h)=n a)/noplos, o(/pla e)/xontas kai\ xei=ras ou)k a)ntairome/nous.
The headword is a feminine noun in the nominative singular, possibly extracted from some literary context (but, if so, not from the quotation given: see n. 2). See also
pi 3058 for its accusative case, with similar glossing.
[1] For the first gloss cf.
Pollux 5.122,
Etymologicum Magnum s.v.
ptoi=ai (694.57); for the second ps.-Herodian,
Epimerismi 117,
Hesychius pi4253,
Etymologicum Magnum s.v.
ptow= (694.53), and, according to Adler,
Lexicon Ambrosianum 1455.
[2] Quotation (transmitted, in Adler's view, via the
Excerpta of Constantine Porphyrogenitus) unidentifiable. The headword noun appears here in the genitive case.
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