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Search results for pi,3052 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,3052
Translated headword: beggary is distinct from poorness
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of which:[1] poorness is a measured-out neediness, pursuing the necessities by labor, but beggary [is] a complete alienation of [= from] ownership. And 'poor' [
pe/nhs] comes from 'to labor' [
pe/nesqai], which is to be active and is said to provide the necessities from this [activity]; but 'beggar' [
ptwxo/s] comes from 'to cower' [
ptw/ssein] before everyone.[2] 'Poorness' is said to come from the act of having a livelihood through working [
ponei=n], but 'beggary' is from cowering [
ptw/ssein] before all humans.[3] "[Chremylus:] we say that poorness is the sister of beggary. [Poorness:] at least you do, you who say that
Dionysius is similar to Thrasybulus."[4] For the one is a tyrant, and the other a tyrant-slayer.
Greek Original:*ptwxei/a peni/as dienh/noxen: h(=s: h( me\n peni/a memetrhme/nh e)sti\n e)/ndeia, po/nw| ta\ xreiw/dh qhrw=sa, h( de\ ptwxei/a pantelh\s th=s kth/sews e)/kptwsis. kai\ o( me\n pe/nhs para\ to\ pe/nesqai, o(/ e)sti e)nergei=n kai\ e)k tou/tou pori/zein ta\ xreiw/dh ei)/rhtai: o( de\ ptwxo\s para\ to\ ptw/ssein pa/ntas. ei)/rhtai de\ peni/a para\ to\ dia\ tou= ponei=n e)/xein to\ zh=n, ptwxei/a de\ para\ to\ ptw/ssein pa/ntas a)nqrw/pous. th=s ptwxei/as peni/an fame\n ei)=nai a)delfh/n: u(mei=s g' oi(/per kai\ *qrasubou/lw| *dionu/sio/n fate ei)=nai o(moi=on. o( me\n ga\r tu/rannos, o( de\ turannokto/nos.
The headword phrase comes from commentary on
Plutus [
Wealth] 549-550 (quoted at the end of the entry: see n. 3), which also supplies the bulk of the material here, though the central section seems to contain parallel material from another source (see n. 3).
For more on these words see
pi 966 and
pi 3054 and, more generally, all the entries between
pi 3051 and
pi 3056.
[1] More intelligibly than this relative pronoun (which surely ought to have been plural anyway), the
scholia have 'because'.
[2] cf.
Etymologicum Magnum 660.14-15, 695.5-7.
[3] Adler ascribes this part of the entry to
Eclogae Etymologicae; cf. Orion [
Myth] 132.20
Plutus [
Wealth] 549-550; already quoted with similar commentary at
pi 966.
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; food; history; imagery; philosophy; poetry; politics; proverbs
Translated by: William Hutton on 26 September 2013@09:05:05.
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