[Meaning] a softer/rather soft feather.[1]
Also [sc. attested is] 'downless' [ones], meaning unfeathered [ones].[2]
People who had a hard time vomiting used to use a feather for vomiting.[3]
Of feathers, some are called plumes, some feathers, some speed-feathers.
Aristophanes in
Birds [writes]: "[Peisetairus:] I have never seen a more ridiculous thing ever! [Euelpides:] What are you laughing at? [Peis.:] At your speed-feathers. Do you know what you look like most dressed up in feathers? Like a goose painted up on the cheap." Meaning like a goose painted cheaply.[4]
*pti/lon: ptero\n a(palw/teron. kai\ *)/aptila, ta\ a)pte/rwta. ei)w/qasi de\ oi( dusemei=s pterw=| xrh=sqai pro\s to\ e)ceme/sai. tw=n pterw=n ta\ me\n kalei=tai pti/la, ta\ de\ ptera/, ta\ de\ w)ku/ptera. *)aristofa/nhs *)/ornisin: e)gw\ me\n pra=gma/ pw geloio/teron ou)k ei)=don ou)de\ pw/pote. e)pi\ tw=| gela=|s; e)pi\ toi=s soi=s w)kupte/rois. oi)=sq' w(=| ma/list' e)/oikas e)pterwme/nos; ei)s eu)te/leian xhni\ suggegramme/nw|. a)nti\ tou= eu)telw=s gegramme/nw| xhni/.
[1] =
Synagoge pi761,
Photius pi1476 Theodoridis. The headword -- probably quoted from
Aristophanes: see n. 3 below -- and the gloss are both neuter singulars, nominative/accusative; cf.
Hesychius pi4233 (in the plural, and with a slightly different gloss). Adler also cites
Lexicon Ambrosianum 1464 and a scholion to
Lycophron, Alexandra 25, where the headword appears in the plural (although the
scholia in Scheer's edition do not have anything particularly apposite).
[2] An adjective derived from the headword noun, here in the neuter plural nominative/accusative. Presumably derived from a literary attestation. The only surviving instances are obscure: (?)Eutecnius,
Paraphrase of Oppian's Cynegetica 32; ps.-Julian,
Epistle 191; and Gregory of
Epitaphion 1.
[3] Derived from a scholion to
Acharnians 584, where rather than the headword the word
ptero/n ('feather') occurs. The headword does occur soon afterwards (lines 585, 588) and in the context acts as a synonym of
Birds 801-805, with comments from the
scholia. The headword appears, in the plural, in the scholiast's comments (here translated 'plumes') but not in the quotation from
Aristophanes. ['If mentioning a
goose had any particular point here, we do not know it': Dunbar ad loc.']
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