[Meaning he/she/it] is panicked.[1]
Also [sc. attested is] 'let us cower', [meaning] let us hide. Properly 'to cower' is to flee and to be afraid. "But let us cower out of the way."[2]
Aristophanes [sc. says this].
pti/ssw ['I grind'] [means] I beat.[3]
*pth/ssei: ptoei=tai. kai\ *pth/cwmen, krubw=men. kuri/ws de\ pth/ssein e)sti\ to\ feu/gein kai\ fobei=sqai. a)ll' e)kpodw\n pth/cwmen. *)aristofa/nhs. *pti/ssw de\ to\ tu/ptw.
The headword is present indicative active, third person singular, of
pth/ssw. For other forms of the same verb see
epsilon 2873,
epsilon 2874.
[1] =
Synagoge pi759,
Photius pi1474 Theodoridis. Possibly drawn from commentary to
Wasps 1490, where the headword occurs, but there are many other possibilities.
Thesmophoriazusae 36, with comments from the
scholia. Here we have the same verb, but this time aorist subjunctive active, first person singular (hortatory subjunctive in the context of the quotation). As Adler notes,
Hesychius preserves a number of parallels for glossing forms of this word with forms of the verb
kru/ptw; e.g. pi4224, epsilon5552, epsilon5556. There are also parallels for the gloss
fobei=sqai; e.g.
Etymologicum Magnum 694.32, 695.21, ps.-Herodian,
Epimerismi 111,
Lexicon Ambrosianum 1472 (according to Adler's citation). See also
delta 152 and
Hesychius pi4222. None of these entries, however, involves the same forms of these verbs, and they probably refer to other literary attestations.
[3] This additional lemma and gloss also occurs at
pi 3030. Its inclusion here probably owes something to the fact that in the Suda's time this word and the headword would have been indistinguishable in pronunciation.
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