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Adler number: pi,3017
Translated headword: to flap one's wings
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning to accomplish nothing. From fledglings making an attempt to fly.
Aristophanes in
Wealth [writes]: "but you are babbling and flapping your wings."[1] Meaning you are causing a commotion. For a wing is noisy and causes a commotion. Or [meaning] you are talking frivolously, or you are laboring in vain. From a metaphor of fledglings that are not able to fly because of the shortness of their life. Or [meaning] you are conversing in vain. From fledglings,[2] who make trial of their wings but are not able to take flight. Thus [the word means] you also wish to speak in opposition and you try to, but you accomplish nothing.
Greek Original:*pterugi/zein: a)nti\ tou= mhde\n a)nu/ein. a)po\ tw=n e)piballome/nwn pe/tesqai neossw=n. *)aristofa/nhs *plou/tw|. a)lla\ fluarei=s kai\ pterugi/zeis. a)nti\ tou= qorubh=|. to\ ga\r ptero\n h)xw=des kai\ qorubhtiko/n. h)\ kou=fa lalei=s. h)\ mataioponei=s. a)po\ metafora=s tw=n neossw=n tw=n mh\ duname/nwn pe/tesqai dia\ to\ braxu\ th=s h(liki/as. h)\ ma/taia diale/gh|. a)po\ tw=n neottw=n, oi(\ peira/zousi me\n ta\s pte/rugas, i(/ptasqai de\ ou) du/nantai. ou(/tw kai\ su\ qe/leis me\n a)nteipei=n kai\ peira/zeis, a)nu/eis de\ ou)de/n.
Wealth [
Plutus] 575, with comments from the
scholia there. Likewise in
Lexicon pi1472 Theodoridis; and cf.
Hesychius pi4210.
[2] This part of the entry uses a Atticizing form of the word for fledgling (
neottw=n), whereas the other references to fledglings in the entry use the standard Koine form
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; medicine; poetry; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 18 August 2013@01:55:07.
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