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Search results for pi,3016 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,3016
Translated headword: wings of a dove
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "[Meaning] the gifts of the spirit. [
David says that] while its wings are cased in silver, the back is decorated with gold. For the former simpler and whiter for the simpler; the latter more profound for those more initiated. 'For my mysteries for me and mine.'[1]"
Greek Original:*pte/ruges peristera=s: ai( tou= pneu/matos dwreai/. tau/ths de\ ta\s me\n pte/rugas perihrgurw=sqai, ta\ de\ meta/frena kekosmh=sqai xrusi/w|. ta\ me\n ga\r a(plou/stera kai\ leuko/tera toi=s a(plouste/rois, ta\ de\ baqu/tera toi=s e)nteleste/rois. ta\ ga\r musth/ria/ mou e)moi\ kai\ toi=s e)moi=s.
A paraphrase of Theodoret's commentary on
Psalm 67:14
LXX (PG 80.1384), where the headword phrase occurs. The image of the dove made of two metals is often interpreted in early Christian commentary as an allegory for the Old and New Testaments and/or for beginning and advanced stages of spiritual development.
[1] A phrase that Theodoret elsewhere (PG 80.1041) attributes to the prophet Isaiah; it does not occur in the standard text but, as Adler notes, does occur in
Theodotion's version of
Isaiah 24.16. (Also,
Eusebius reports
to\ musth/rio/n mou e)moi/ as from the version of
Keywords: art history; Christianity; definition; economics; imagery; poetry; proverbs; religion; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 2 October 2013@22:35:34.
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