[Meaning] swift.[1] Like unto the speedy swirlings of the wind.[2] The whole conceit [is] that the birds are descendants of the wing of Eros.[3] But the genealogy [is] strange and unbelievable.
Aristophanes in
Also [sc. attested is]
ptero/eis ['winged'], [meaning] bewinged.[4]
*ptero/enti: taxei=. tai=s tou= a)ne/mou w)kei/ais sustrofai=s e)oiko/ti. h( de\ o(/lh su/stasis, o(/ti e)k tou= pterou= tou= *)/erwtos ta\ o)/rnea/ e)stin. a)/topos de\ kai\ a)pi/qanos h( genealogi/a. *)aristofa/nhs *)/ornisi. kai\ *ptero/eis, o( e)pterwme/nos.
[1] Headword and gloss are both dative singular adjectives, neuter or masculine. Assuming some connection to the rest of the entry, this would seem to be a comment on
Birds 698, where the headword (in the dative singular) is applied to Chaos in the course of the parabasis; Chaos is given credit, along with Eros, for being among the progenitors of the birds.
[2] An explanatory paraphrase of
Birds 697. This, along with the remainder of the paragraph, are more clearly derived from commentary to this passage (cf.
scholia ad loc.), although the language of the passage itself is never quoted directly. The leading adjective in the paraphrase,
e)oiko/ti ("like unto") is in the dative case, suggesting that the commentator is following an alternative (or mistaken) reading in which the phrase (like the primary headword) describes Chaos. In
Aristophanes' original phrase,
ei)kw\s a)nemw/kesi di/nais ("like unto wind-speedy eddies"), the corresponding adjective
ei)kw/s is nominative and describes Eros. The primary headword of this entry does not appear in this phrase.
tou= pterou= tou= *)/erwtos ('of the wing of Eros') should probably read
tou= pterw/tou *)/erwtos ('of the winged Eros'), as it is in the
[4] Here we have the same headword in the nominative case. Adler compares
Lexicon Ambrosianum 1448.
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