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Adler number: pi,2996
Translated headword: prytaneia; presidency
Vetting Status: high
Translation: When lengthened and feminine [this word means] a certain number of days; but in the neuter nobody has said clearly what it means. Some said it is a sum of money, which those involved in litigation paid, out of which which the jurors' fee was given to the six-thousand [sc. jurors]. But prytaneiai [are] a number of days. There were ten every year, because the tribes [were] also ten. The Athenians followed the lunar year: each of the ten tribes held office for 35 days, and from the lunar-year were left 4 days out, that [the Athenians] assigned to the first four tribes which were chosen to take the prytaneia. And first each of the four [tribes] had a prytaneia equivalent to 36 days, while the remaining six [tribes] had instead [one lasting] 35.
The prytaneia is therefore a number of days, 36 or 35. And every tribe holds the prytaneia [sc. in turn]. But among the other Attic writers prytaneia [are sums of] money, which both of the parties in involved in litigation paid, both the accused and the accuser.
Greek Original:*prutanei/a: e)ktetame/nws me\n kai\ qhlukw=s a)riqmo/s tis h(merw=n: ou)dete/rws de\ safw=s me\n ou)dei\s ei)=pe ti/ dhloi=. tine\s de\ a)rgu/rio/n ti e)/fasan ei)=nai, o(\ kateti/qesan oi( dikazo/menoi, e)c w(=n to\ dikastiko\n e)di/doto toi=s e(cakisxili/ois. prutanei=ai de\ o( tw=n h(merw=n a)riqmo/s. de/ka e)gi/nonto kat' e)niauto\n, o(/ti kai\ de/ka ai( fulai/. e)niauto\n de\ oi( *)aqhnai=oi to\n selhniako\n h)=gon: e)pe/bale de\ e(ka/sth fulh\ tw=n de/ka le# h(me/ras, kai\ e)peri/tteuon e)k tou= selhniakou= e)niautou= h(me/rai d#, a(\s e)peme/rizon tai=s prw=tais laxou/sais prutaneu/ein te/ssarsi fulai=s. kai\ tw=n me\n tessa/rwn prw=ton e(ka/sth ei)=xe th\n prutanei/an a)partizome/nhn ei)s l#2# h(me/ras, ai( de\ loipai\ #2# a)na\ le#. *prutanei/as ou)=n e)stin a)riqmo\s h(merw=n, h)/toi l#2# h)\ le#. kai\ e(ka/sth fulh\ prutaneu/ei. para\ de\ toi=s a)/llois *)attikoi=s prutanei=a a)rgu/rion, o(/per kateti/qesan oi( dikazo/menoi a)mfo/teroi, kai\ o( feu/gwn kai\ o( diw/kwn.
Keywords: constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; law; mathematics; politics; science and technology
Translated by: Francesco Ginelli on 6 August 2012@01:51:28.
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