[Meaning] the mouths of rivers issuing into the sea; and the discharge of every [sc. kind of] water.
*proxoai/: ai( tw=n potamw=n e)codeutikai\ a)fe/seis ei)s th\n qa/lassan: kai\ h( panto\s u(/datos e)kroh/.
Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at
Photius pi1427 Theodoridis. The headword, nominative plural, is perhaps quoted from somewhere in that form, and if so, the likeliest source is Apollonius Rhodius,
Argonautica (2.743 or 4.312); however, the present gloss shows similarities with a scholion on the
dative plural in
Argonautica 1.11 (and already, as that scholiast notes, in
Iliad 17.263).
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