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Search results for pi,2933 in Adler number:
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Headword: *proxeirotoni/a
Adler number: pi,2933
Translated headword: pre-vote
Vetting Status: high
It seems that something like this happens at Athens when, after prior deliberation by the council, its opinion is conveyed to the people: first there is a vote in the assembly as to whether the people should look into the matters that have been pre-deliberated or whether the the preliminary statement [sc. by the council] is adequate.
Greek Original:
*proxeirotoni/a: e)/oiken *)aqh/nhsi toiou=to/n ti gi/gnesqai. o(po/tan th=s boulh=s bouleusa/shs ei)sfe/rhtai ei)s to\n dh=mon h( gnw/mh, pro/teron gi/netai xeirotoni/a e)n th=| e)kklhsi/a|, po/teron dokei= peri\ tw=n probouleuqe/ntwn ske/yasqai to\n dh=mon h)\ a)rkei= to\ probou/leuma.
From Harpokration s.v., citing Lysias fr. 181 Sauppe (now 227 Carey OCT).
cf. pi 2349.
Keywords: constitution; definition; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 December 2000@07:04:26.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 15 September 2004@00:31:32.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 15 September 2004@03:22:58.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 27 October 2005@09:03:26.
David Whitehead (expanded note; tweaks) on 15 July 2011@09:34:45.


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