[Meaning] what is simple and unguarded.[1]
Polybius [writes]: "but the cause is the failure to keep at hand what
Epicharmus has well said, 'Be sober and remember to be wary: these [are the] sinews of the mind'."[2]
*pro/xeiros: o( a(plou=s kai\ a)fu/laktos. *polu/bios: a)ll' e)/stin ai)/tion to\ mh\ pro/xeiron u(pa/rxein to\ par' *)epixa/rmw| kalw=s ei)rhme/non, nh=fe kai\ me/mnhso a)pistei=n: a)/rqra tau=ta [tw=n] frenw=n.
For this headword (an adjective in the nominative singular masculine or feminine) see also
pi 2930 and
pi 2931. The form is probably a generic lexical reference rather than something drawn from a literary context. At any rate it is not the form used in the quotation given (see n. 2).
[1] No comparable entries in other lexica, but cf.
Pollux 3.133 and
alpha 4318. In contrast to the gender-ambiguity of the headword and the second gloss here, the first gloss and the definite article (translated here as 'what') are unambiguously masculine.
Polybius 18.40.4 (quoting
Epicharmus fr. 250 Kaibel [now fr.218 K.-A.], with koine dialect forms in place of
Epicharmus's Doric); see already at
nu 359. Adler opines that the quotation is drawn from the
Excerpta of Constantine Porphyrogenitus. The addition of the final 'the' in the last clause is Küster's emendation. The form of the headword in this quotation is neuter accusative singular.
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