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Headword: *proxaristh/ria
Adler number: pi,2928
Translated headword: Procharisteria, Thanksgiving
Vetting Status: high
A day on which all [sc. Athenian] office-holders used to sacrifice to Athena, with the crops beginning to grow and winter already ending.[1] The name of the sacrifice [was] Procharisteria. Lycurgus in the [speech] On the Priesthood [writes]: "so the most ancient sacrifice [is held] because the goddess is coming up [sc. from the underworld]; it is named Thanksgiving because the growing crops are sprouting".[2]
Greek Original:
*proxaristh/ria: h(me/ra e)n h(=| oi( e)n th=| a)rxh=| pa/ntes a)rxome/nwn karpw=n fu/esqai, lh/gontos h)/dh tou= xeimw=nos, e)/quon th=| *)aqhna=|. th=| de\ qusi/a| o)/noma *proxaristh/ria. *lukou=rgos e)n tw=| *peri\ th=s i(erwsu/nhs: th\n toi/nun a)rxaiota/thn qusi/an dia\ th\n a)/nodon th=s qeou=, o)nomasqei=san de\ *proxaristh/ria, dia\ th\n bla/sthsin tw=n karpw=n tw=n fuome/nwn.
[1] In short, at the beginning of spring.
[2] Lycurgus fr.53 Sauppe (fr.50 Conomis). This quotation suggests what one might have suspected anyway: that the sacrifice was not for Athena, as claimed here, but for (Demeter and?) Kore. The error perhaps stems from a misreading of Harpokration s.v. Proschairisteria (sic), e(orth\ par' *)aqhnai/ois a)gome/nh ktl.
Keywords: agriculture; botany; chronology; definition; food; geography; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 29 October 2001@06:08:42.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (typo, status) on 15 September 2004@00:27:03.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 15 September 2004@03:20:55.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 17 May 2011@06:27:41.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; expanded n.2) on 29 November 2011@03:41:43.
David Whitehead on 21 October 2013@06:19:47.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 8 December 2021@01:41:47.


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