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Search results for pi,2901 in Adler number:
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Headword: *prou)kindu/neuen
Adler number: pi,2901
Translated headword: was taking risks before [someone], was taking risks for [someone]
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning he] was dying on behalf [of someone]. "But he was taking risks before the multitude not like a general [...], but like a [sc. common] soldier."[1] Meaning carelessly.
Greek Original:
*prou)kindu/neuen: u(perape/qnhsken. o( de\ prou)kindu/neue tou= plh/qous ou) strathgikw=s, a)lla\ stratiwtikw=s. a)nti\ tou= eu)telw=s.
The headword -- third person singular, imperfect, of prokinduneu/w -- is presumably extracted from the quotation (its only independent occurrence).
[1] An abbreviation and approximation of Agathias, Histories 5.23, on Germanus, Byzantine military commander (559 CE). Germanus was still quite young at this time and probably held the rank, not of magister militum (strathgo/s, general), but of comes rei militaris; cf. PLRE IIIa s.v. Germanus(4). Adler notes that a marginal comment in ms M has the quotation ending at strathgikw=s, with eu)telw=s and stratiwtikw=s as glosses of it. In fact Agathias does make his contrast explicit, but with stratiwtikw/teron. See also alpha 3435, alpha 4595, and tau 881.
J.R. Martindale, The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, vol. IIIa, (Cambridge, 1992)
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 11 October 2013@01:06:31.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaking) on 11 October 2013@03:19:48.
David Whitehead on 13 October 2013@03:59:01.
David Whitehead on 21 October 2013@05:37:36.
Ronald Allen (augmented n.1, added cross-references) on 5 October 2023@11:11:09.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.1, added bibliography) on 12 October 2023@10:41:31.


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